Sunday 25 August 2013

How I made Rika Nonaka from Digimon Tamers.

How I made Rika Nonaka from Digimon Tamers     

I had to cut out bits of grey clay and I had to use knife to cut out square pieces and I had to use it to write down the names of the characters.
After drawing the feet, legs, chest, arms, neck, face, eyes, nose, ears, hair, hands, I also drew loads of clothes for Rika Nonaka. Her t-shirt has a broken heart, hair band as ribbon, red wrist band, leather belt with cards buckle and lots of metal buttons, leg buckles metal square.

I drew light blue Jeans on piece of paper before making the Sculpture.

I had to cut out pieces of grey clay with a knife and then I used a brush to sick pieces of of grey clay as I did the same with the turning on Trousers piece of grey clay.

I felt that it was not and easy task.

I finally learn't a new creative skill Rika nonaka waist is thin and drew white socks next to red sneakers with steal metal toes.

Unfortunately they didin't have fairskin colour, I had to use white glazed colour Instead.    

Long length brown hair like a pineapple her piece of hair on the right side of her head broke off when me mum and my dad went together to the Doctor, to show him my work the doctor said that it was nice to see my Pottery Sculpture.

Now we use super glue to fix all of Rika Nonaka hair pieces to fix it back to normal.

Thank you for reading my Rika Nonaka from Digimon Tamers Story.

Russell 25-8-2013

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