Tuesday 31 December 2013

Goblimon Confronted by Rika and Renamon

Goblimon Confronted by Rika and Renamon.

When the nearby calumon's powers activated, the Goblimon digivolved into a Fugamon.

It attacked fairly blindly. smashing anything in its way as it tried to get to Renamon. 

Who knocked it down with a volley of kicks and punches, then destroyed it.

Thank you for reading my Goblimon Confronted by Rika and Renamon story.

Russell Teoh. 31-12-2013

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Rika Nonaka vs IceDevimon

Rika Nonaka vs IceDevimon.

IceDevimon Kidnapping Rika Nonaka

He is a serial killer who killed and absorbed many Digimon.

He begins Stalking Rika, who he believes to be as harsh and cruel as himself.

Eventually seizing her and taking her to his frozen lair atop a skyscraper.

Thank you for reading my Rika Nonaka vs IceDevimon. story.

Russell Teoh. 24-12-2013

Monday 16 December 2013

Rika Nonaka Takato Matsuki and Renamon Guilmon Tackling Gargomon

Rika Nonaka Takato Matsuki and Renamon Guilmon Tackling Gargomon.

Gargomon is terriermon's champion form.

Terriermon accidentally digivolved into gargomon while Renamon and Guilmon were fighting in an indoor parking lot and went out of control.

If not for Guilmon tackling him into wall. Gargomon would have fired at Rika.

Thank you for reading my Rika Nonaka Takato Matsuki and Renamon Guilmon Tackling Gargomon story.

Russell Teoh. 16-12-2013